Sunday, December 13, 2009

Drag me out of the sea and teach me to breathe.

Hellohello. This is my outfit for school tomorrow. If I’m feeling daring enough to wear those shoes still whenever I wake up in the morning. ;p It’s hard to wear heels to my school for the main hallway slants a lot and it makes you feel like you’re sliding. If not I’ll wear some beige satin flats. Rahrah, but enough rambling. Onto the pictures!

I'm often quite quirky. :p

Outfit: Kimchi Blue top, Land's End Cardigan, Thistlepearl skirt, unknown socks, unknown locket necklace, and Cato heels.

Now, I’m off to dig in the depths of my pantry. My tummy won’t stop growling angrily at me and I’m sure food is the only thing that will satisfy it. Nomnom.
